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Industry Solutions (SO)
1. Gıda Endüstrisinde Çözüm Ortağınız
Gıda prosesleri için ölçüm çözümleri
01/13 Turkish
2. 食品・飲料産業向けコンピテンス・ブローシャ
品質への信頼 - 品質向上とコスト削減

品質への信頼 - 品質向上とコスト削減
08/22 Japanese
3. Brochura de competência para alimentos e bebidas
Melhore a qualidade e reduza custos

Acredite em qualidade
09/20 Portuguese
4. 食品与饮料
03/20 Chinese
5. Competence brochure for food & beverage
Trust in quality- Improve quality and reduce costs

Competence brochure for food & beverage
Trust in quality-Improve quality and reduce costs
11/18 English
6. Competenze Industria alimentare e delle bevande
Fiducia nella qualità

Competenze Industria alimentare e delle bevande
Fiducia nella qualità
11/18 Italian
7. Catálogo industria Alimentaria
Mejora de la calidad y reducción de los costes
11/18 Spanish
8. Компетенции
Пищевая промышленность: повышение качества и снижение затрат

Пищевая промышленность: повышение качества и снижение затрат
11/18 Russian
9. One partner for all your needs! Your safe choice for food and beverage
measurement solutions (SO00001B)

American version: One partner for all your needs. Your safe choice for
food and beverage measurement solutions
03/16 English
10. 食品飲料向けカタログ
03/16 Japanese
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