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Documentation (8)
Description Version Language
Industry Solutions (SO)
1. Petrol&Gaz Endüstrisindeki Çözümlerimiz
Güvenliği ve üretim verimliliğini arttırmak için kapsamlı çözümler
11/14 Turkish
2. 油气
03/20 Chinese
3. Competences in Oil and Gas
Strengthen your plant's safety, productivity and availability
05/18 English
4. Нефтегазовая промышленность. Добыча, переработка, транспортировка и

Обзор оборудования и решений для повышения эффективности и безопасности
11/14 Russian
5. Compétence en pétrole et gaz
Toute une gamme de solutions pour améliorer la sécurité et le rendement
11/14 French
6. SO502B Competence in Oil and Gas for the US Market
Full range of solutions to increase safety and production efficient
05/13 English
7. 石油ガス業界向け
Full range of solutions to increase safety and production efficient
05/13 Japanese
8. Competenze nel settore Oil&Gas

Gamma completa di soluzioni per incrementare la sicurezza e l’efficienza
01/13 Italian