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Documentation (4)
Description Version Language
Innovations (IN)
1. TDLAS and QF analyzers technology guide - Principle of operation,
configurations, and certification information

A technology guide examining our tunable diode laser absorption
spectroscopy (TDLAS) and quenched fluorescence (QF) analyzer
portfolio (including the J22, JT33, SS500, SS2100, SS2100i, and SS2100a
TDLAS gas analyzers, and the OXY5500 precision oxygen analyzer)to
measure water / moisture (H2O), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon
dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), ammonia (NH3), and acetylene (C2H2)in
natural gas process streams within the chemical industry / Oil & Gas
industry using SpectraSensors technology.
11/23 English
2. TDLASおよびQFアナライザ技術ガイド
- 動作原理、装置構成、認証情報

05/24 Japanese
3. Guide technologique des analyseurs TDLAS et QF
Principe de fonctionnement, configurations et informations
de certification
01/24 French
4. TDLAS, QF 가스 분석기 가이드
측정 원리, 구성 및 인증 정보
02/23 Korean