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Documentation (6)
Description Version Language
Innovations (IN)
1. Proline 300/500
The future-oriented flow measuring technology
07/22 English
2. Proline 300/500
08/24 Japanese
3. Proline 300/500
Die zukunftsweisende Durchflussmesstechnik
06/22 German
4. Proline 300/500
La technologie de mesure de débit orientée vers l’avenir
09/18 French
5. Proline 300/500 - 심플하고 스마트한 측정 기술
Proline은 SIL 요구 사항에 따라 설계되었으며 최고의 안전성, 품질 및
운영성을 보장합니다.
10/17 Korean
6. Proline 300/500
Technologie měření průtoku orientovaná na budoucnost
05/16 Czech